Tag Archives: heart

Spiritual Heart

It would be hard to say just which body part or organ is the most important, but I believe we can agree that the heart ranks right up there at the top of everyone’s list. When the heart go’s, then pretty much everything else goes. There are times we may get blockages to the heart which results in less blood flow causing everything from lethargic to physical weakness to death. It is similar with our spiritual life. When there ceases to be a spiritual flow through us we tend to get lethargic in doing Gods work and weak to temptation which can lead to a spiritual death. In the physical we need stints to open arteries or replacement of arteries called bypasses to remedy the blockages to the heart. Sometimes our spiritual arteries need unblocked as life can leave us jaded and cause our heart to gradually grow hard without us even realizing it.  By going to the source of our spiritual blood, Jesus Christ, asking God for forgiveness and lifting God up in praise, reading and studying his word, will cause our spiritual heart to soften and allow our spiritual blood to flow.

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Posted by on January 13, 2015 in Devotional


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